Elevator (Lift) A mechanical device for transporting people or goods from one level to another. The term lift or elevator generally denotes a unit with automatic safety devices; the very earliest units were called hoists. Lifts consist of a platform(cabin) or car traveling in vertical guides in a shaft, with related hoisting and lowering mechanisms and a source of power. Basically, they can be divided into two main groups 1. Personal Lifts: are used to carry human beings (i.e. Home lift, passenger lifts) 2. Load (or Service) Lifts: are used to carry goods (i.e. Freight lifts, dumbwaiters, hospital lifts) The capacity and size are determined by the number of people to be carried or load in two types. Even working principles are almost similar but they show slight differences in design and construction. (i.e.personalLifts should be safer) The average velocity of an elevator is around 1 m/sec. EN 81is the European standard for the elevators. Another classification can be mad...